Color Slider
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Color Slider


Standard Satellite Forms component


Source code provided



PalmOS, PocketPC

Sample project(s)

Color SFX Control


slider, color, control, bar

Color Slider is an SFX control that can be used with your applications to specify data in a continuous range.  There are four supported control styles:

0: Progress Bar (no user interaction)

1: Slider with marker (user can slide a marker)

2: Slider with no marker (user taps bar to indicate pos)

3: 3D slider (color handhelds only)


0: Transparent

1: Alternating dots

2: Diagonal lines

3: Vertical lines

4: Opaque

Initialization Constants

These are the values placed in the “Configuration” window of the inserted SFX control.

BEEP = n specifies whether the control should beep when the user interacts with it. If n is 0, no beep occurs.  If n is 1, then a beep sounds when first touching the control. (Default = 0.)

DSOURCE = Fields(""col_name"") specifies that the column named col_name (double-quotes required) in the table linked to the form that contains the control will be used to load and the value of the control. (Default = none.)

FASTTRACK = specifies how often the OnClick event will be fired

0 = Every time the pen moves

1 = After the pen is lifted (default = false)

INITVAL = n specifies that the initial position of the control's bar should be at 'n', a number between MIN and MAX  (Default = 0).

MIN = n specifies that the leftmost position of the control has value 'n'. (Default = 0).

MAX = n specifies that the rightmost position of the control has value 'n' (Default = 100).

PATTERNTYPE = n specifies the type of filler pattern for the sliding bar (Default = 1).

STYLE = n specifies the style of slider control requested.  The value of n is described above (Default = 1).

VISIBLE = 0 or 1 specifies whether the control will be visible at first (default = true).

For those with a color handheld:

FORECOLOR = n sets the foreground color of the slider control to the corresponding color in the current color table.

BACKCOLOR = n sets the background color of the slider control to the corresponding color in the current color table.

Scripts API

All methods are private methods.

Usage:  [Name of SFX Control].[Name of Method]

Example of usage:  SFXControl1.About()


Show the extension's about box.


FastTrack(Boolean) - Specifies how often the OnClick event will be fired

0 = Every time the pen moves

1 = After the pen is lifted (default = false)


Get position of the control bar. 

Example of usage:  x = MySlider.GetPosition()


Checks the handheld ROM to see if it contains Palm OS® 3.5 or greater.

Example of usage:  TrueOrFalse = IsHandheld35()


Restores the previous color scheme.

SetMinMax(integer, integer)

Change minimum & maximum values.

Example of usage:  SetMinMax(min,max)


Set position of control bar to the value specified. 

Example of usage:  MySlider.SetPosition(NewValue)


Make control visible or invisible.  Set parameter to true for visible.

DocID: 10133  DocDate: 2005-07-18